To make your bar exam preparation easier, we've put together a detailed list of UBE passing scores by state for 2024. This list is updated frequently, so the scores may change as new information becomes available.
Here are the 2024 UBE passing scores by state!
The date UBE scores come out depends on the size of the jurisdiction. The bigger the jurisdiction, the longer you will wait for the release of scores. Test-takers will, on average, receive their UBE scores within one to three months.
North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington temporarily lowered their minimum passing scores for the July 2020 exam due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new scores were 268 for North Carolina and 266 for Oregon and Washington.
After you take the UBE, you will receive your score and know whether you've passed or failed the exam. Here are some steps you can take based on your results:
Understanding UBE passing scores by state is important for bar exam preparation, and Juris Education offers comprehensive guidance to help you achieve your goals. Whether you need to know state-specific score thresholds or strategies for improving your performance, Juris Education provides the resources and expertise to support your journey.
Remember, persistence and preparation are key to passing the UBE. Good luck!
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.
Depending on the state you plan on taking the UBE in, a passing score can range from 260-270 out of 400.
The states with the highest UBE passing score of 270 are:
Utah is the easiest state to pass the UBE exam. Last year, Utah had a 94% pass rate for first-time test-takers and a 73% pass for repeat takers. Utah also has the lowest UBE pass score of 260.
A good UBE score is the passing score for the state you're testing in. For instance, states like Alabama, Minnesota, and Missouri have a minimum passing score of 260. So, anything above that score will suffice for those states.