1:1 Personalized New York Bar Exam Tutoring

Our New York Bar Exam tutors scored in the 99th percentile and understand how to help you elevate your scores. Working with us means you get personalized, one-on-one tutoring that helps you rectify your weaknesses and celebrate your strengths.
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private mcat tutoring

Ready To Start Your Law School Journey?

Schedule Your Complimentary 20-Minute Consultation

Our Comprehensive Private New York Bar Exam Tutoring Services

10 Hours

20 Hours

40 Hours

Dedicated Student Success Manager
1:1 session with bar exam expert
Diagnostic session
MBE, MPT, MEE Support
Number of essays on which tutor provides feedback
MBE outlines for your jurisdiction
Essay outlines for your jurisdiction
Access to NCBE licensed performance tests, questions, and essays
AdaptiBar MBE program access
Number of essays graded
Number of Hours
Master Program
(Work With A Master Level Admissions Tutor)
Director Program
(Work With A Director Level Admissions Tutor)
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Dedicated Student Success Manager
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1:1 session with Georgia bar exam expert
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Diagnostic session
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MPT, GA Essays, and MBE support
Number of essays on which tutor provides feedback
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MBE outlines for your jurisdiction
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Essay outlines for your jurisdiction
10% Discount on any admissions consulting package
10% Discount on any admissions consulting package






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Dedicated Student Success Manager
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1:1 session with Georgia bar exam expert
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Diagnostic session
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MPT, GA Essays, and MBE support
Number of essays on which tutor provides feedback
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MBE outlines for your jurisdiction
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Essay outlines for your jurisdiction
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Access to NCBE licensed performance tests, questions, and essays
10% Discount on any admissions consulting package
10% Discount on any admissions consulting package
Number of essays graded






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Dedicated Student Success Manager
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1:1 session with Georgia bar exam expert
image of check marked
Diagnostic session
image of check marked
MPT, GA Essays, and MBE support
Number of essays on which tutor provides feedback
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MBE outlines for your jurisdiction
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Essay outlines for your jurisdiction
image of check marked
Access to NCBE licensed performance tests, questions, and essays
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AdaptiBar MBE program access
Number of essays graded






Payment Options
Flexible extended payment plans up to 36 months

Successful Test-Takers Choose
Juris Education

New York Bar Exam tutoring that delivers results without any stress or hassle
Your Chances of Passing
Tutoring Hours
Years Of Experience
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Expert New York Bar Exam Tutoring Delivered On Your Schedule

Our top New York Bar Exam tutors are passionate about teaching you everything about the bar while working around your schedule. Contact our expert tutors today to help you pass the bar on your first attempt.
best MCAT tutors
personalize your mcat prep
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New York Bar Exam Prep Designed To Meet Your Needs

The best New York Bar prep is personalized to your goals. Our program is based on your diagnostic results, goals, needs, and your tutor’s skills.

Save Time, Money, And Stress Less With Comprehensive New York Bar Prep

Our New York Bar tutoring service is designed to be efficient and save time and money. Private tutoring means we can quickly identify and rectify your weaknesses. Our main goal is to help you achieve the highest bar score possible in less time.
efficient MCAT prep
high impact MCAT strategies

Low-Lift, High-Impact Strategies To Ace The New York Bar Exam

Our New York Bar Exam prep program centers on efficiency. Applying the skills and strategies you learn with us means you’re empowered to achieve the highest score possible.

How Our Private New York Bar Exam Tutoring Service Works

Complete intake form and diagnostic assessment

Complete Intake Form and Diagnostic Assessment

Our experts spend time understanding precisely what parts of the bar you need help with. We also analyze your diagnostic results to determine what prep strategies work best for you.
Speak With A Coach
Create an initial, highly personalized MCAT prep plan

Create An Initial, Highly Personalized Bar Exam Prep Plan

You will be paired with one of our experienced New York tutors who has experience coaching candidates like yourself. During the kickoff call, they will understand your learning style and prepare a study plan for you. This will evolve into a customized private bar exam tutoring plan that focuses on rectifying your weaknesses.
Speak With A Coach
Work one-on-one with your tutor to rectify weaknesses

Work One-On-One With Your Tutor To Rectify Weaknesses

You will spend time with your tutor executing your New York Bar Exam prep plan. Your tutor will support you in MBE, MPT, and MEE questions, offer feedback on essays, and more. Our tutors make themselves available to fit your busy schedule. Every week and every call has an agenda, so your time is spent on the most high-impact activities.
Speak With A Coach
Regular assessments through practice tests and simulations

Regular Assessments Through Feedback On Essays And Performance Tests

Your tutor will monitor your progress on a weekly basis and recommend changes to your study plan as needed. We don’t want you to spend time on a topic or concept you’ve already mastered. At the same time, we might need to spend more time on certain topics where you feel less confident. We use performance tests, essay feedback, and more to monitor your progress. The rigor of your customized plan makes sure test day feels like a breeze.
Speak With A Coach
ace the MCAT

You’re Ready To Take The New York Bar Exam

After extensive one-on-one sessions, targeted feedback, and performance tests, you are ready to take the bar exam.
Speak With A Coach
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Speak With A Bar Exam Expert


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Is private New York Bar tutoring right for me?

Private bar tutoring works well for those seeking a highly personalized, one-on-one tutoring experience, whether they’re taking the bar for the first time or retaking it. Whether you’re struggling with a particular type of question or need help with general test-taking skills like time management, our experts are here to help.

Some New York-based candidates may prefer to use our tutoring service as their only method of bar exam prep, whereas others may want to add other methods to their study plans, such as online courses or self-study. Want to learn what works best for you? Schedule a call with us for more info.

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Can I ask to work with a specific New York Bar Exam tutor?

If there’s someone you’d like to work with, you can certainly let us know. However, many of our tutors can be booked for months in advance. It’s hard for us to say 100% that we’ll be able to partner you with your selected tutor.

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I’ve failed the New York Bar exam before. Is this service right for me?

Our tutoring service provides the tools and instruction you need to perform your best the next time you sit for the New York Bar Exam. Our tailored approach ensures we identify and bridge any gaps through our extensive tutoring service.

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When and where does your New York Bar Exam tutoring happen?

Our New York Bar prep is online, and you and your tutor will discuss the best times for you to meet. You’ll usually meet with your tutor once weekly, but you may meet more often depending on what stage you’re at in the process. We aim to give you enough time between meetings to absorb what you learn and complete any assignments.

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How does the tutoring pairing process work?

We select a tutor for you who best matches your needs based on your diagnostic test results. We always chat with you first to ensure your results accurately reflect your level of preparedness.

We pair you based on your needs and the tutor’s expertise. By pinpointing the areas you need help with, your tutor will understand how to get you in a better position to take the bar exam.

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What does the New York Bar Exam prep program cover, and how much tutoring do I need?

What gets covered in your program depends on your legal aspirations and what you need help with most. Every study plan we create is original and designed to help you succeed. We may focus on particular New York Bar Exam question types or help you learn valuable test-taking methods to navigate the test with ease. To learn what’s best for you and how many hours you may need to meet your goal, schedule a call with us.

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How does your program differ from classroom bar courses?

Traditional group courses typically follow the same standard curriculum. We provide a much more individualized experience based on where you need the most help. At Juris Education, we always provide customized New York Bar Exam support to get you from point A to point B.

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How do I get started with New York Bar tutoring?

We start by getting to know you. We’d love to learn more about you and your background. You can set up a call with one of our experts to learn how we can help you.

Still Have Questions?

Schedule My Free Consultation

Before you go, here are a few facts about us!

The Juris Factor: Boost your LSAT score by an average of 12 points in just 45 hours of tutoring!

The Best of the Best: Our superstar LSAT tutoring team comprises only 173+ scorers, ensuring you work with only the most talented, experienced tutors.

The Free Consultation: We would love to learn more about your background, LSAT goals, and needs. From there, you’ll be matched with a best-fit tutor who will create a detailed LSAT study schedule to help you confidently navigate your prep journey.