Are you struggling to decide which law school to attend? There are over 190 ABA-approved institutions in the US, so picking the right law school for you is no small feat.
That’s why we’ve created the Where Should I Go to Law School? Quiz! In as little as one minute, you can find the right law schools for you with our quiz that uses real admissions data!
If you need help on finding a law school, meet with an expert Juris admissions counselor.
Our quiz takes into account the following factors to match you with the law schools you should apply to:
Once you’ve answered all of our questions, we’ll use real admissions data and your question inputs to find the top seven best-fit law schools for you. You can then use these results to help you pick which law schools to apply for and ultimately attend!
Take a look at some of these commonly asked FAQs below.
You should think about several key factors, including which part of the country you want to study in, your preferred type of campus setting, and how your college GPA and LSAT score compares to your target law schools’ averages. However, our law school selection quiz does all of this for you in just one minute!
We recommend you apply to around 10-12 law schools.