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University of Chicago Law School - Acceptance Rate & Requirements

March 5, 2025
8 min read


Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 11/16/23

One of the T-14 law schools, the University of Chicago Law School is a top-ranked choice annually for thousands of law school hopefuls. Read on to learn how to get into the UChicago Law School! 

UChicago Law School is ranked No. 3 on the U.S. News World and Report’s list of Best Law Schools. This ultimate guide will cover everything you need to know about getting into the University of Chicago Law School. Read on for programs, requirements, admission statistics, and more.

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University of Chicago Law School Acceptance Rate: 12.73%

The University of Chicago Law’s recent acceptance rate was 12.73%. 5,246 students applied to the 2022-2023 admissions cycle and 747 were offered admission. If you're aiming to be one of the few that get accepted, law school admissions consulting in Chicago can help maximize your odds.

Below is a table of UChicago Law School’s acceptance rates for the past three years. 

Year Number of Applicants Number of Accepted Students Acceptance Rate
2024 5,366 683 12.73%
2023 5,259 672 12.78%
2022 5,246 747 14.24%
2021 6,514 776 11.91%
2020 4,971 888 17.86%

How Hard Is It to Get Into the University of Chicago Law School?

Getting into the University of Chicago Law School is challenging. As a highly competitive T14 school, less than 2 out of every 10 applicants are granted admission. To maximize your chances of acceptance, get admissions help from law experts.

University of Chicago campus on snowy winter day

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University of Chicago Law School Programs Offered & Ranking

U Chicago offers several degrees to help you advance your legal career:

Programs Offered Length of Program Key Information
Juris Doctor (JD) 3 years A typical JD degree
JD/MBA 3 years Prepares students for careers at the intersection of business and law
Master of Laws (LLM) 1 year A specialized degree in your choice of law
Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD) Up to 4 years A highly selective research doctorate program
Master of Legal Studies (MLS) 1 year For PhD students and established scholars who wish to improve their knowledge of law


As the 3rd-best law school in the nation, the University of Chicago Law School’s ranking reflects its esteem and prestige. Its corporate law and commercial law are the most distinguished in the country. 

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University of Chicago Admissions Statistics

This law school has high expectations of its prospective students! Just take a look at its most recent admissions stats.

University of Chicago Median GPA: 3.94

In the 2024-2025 admissions cycle, admitted and enrolled students had a median GPA of 3.94. This school consistently admits high-achieving students and typically has a median GPA close to 4.0. 

University of Chicago Median LSAT Score: 173

The median LSAT score of the entering 2024 University of Chicago Law class was 173. Considering this score falls within the 98th percentile, it requires significant dedication and preparation to achieve. Thankfully, Juris Education offers expert LSAT tutoring in Chicago for a guaranteed 165+ score on the LSAT.

UChicago Law also accepts GRE scores but does not release GRE medians in its class profile data. However, the ETS online tool lets you predict LSAT scores based on GRE scores. For example, scoring 167 on each GRE section is equivalent to an LSAT score of around 173.

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University of Chicago Law School Requirements 

Uchicago Law School requires applicants to complete the LSAC application to apply to their JD program. Applicants can choose to apply through Early Decision or Regular Decision. University of Chicago Law School requirements include: 

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary institution
  • All undergraduate and graduate school transcripts
  • LSAT, GRE, or GMAT scores
  • A personal statement
  • A resume detailing your education, extracurricular and volunteer activities, and work experience (you’re encouraged to indicate how much time you spent weekly on each activity)
  • At least 2 and up to 4 letters of recommendation
  • Proof of English language proficiency if English isn’t your primary language 
  • An optional addenda
  • An application fee of $90 or a fee waiver

UChicago Law Letters of Recommendation

You must submit at least two letters of recommendation, but the school will accept up to four. UChicago Law recommends at least one letter be from an academic source “who can offer an informed assessment of your academic ability.”

UChicago Law Personal Statement

UChicago Law considers your personal statement an opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee. The directions for your personal statement are: 

“It should demonstrate your contribution to the Law School community beyond academics and should demonstrate your ability to communicate your thoughts effectively. The Admissions Committee often finds that a personal statement focusing on a unique personal attribute or experience is usually the most informative (as opposed to a restatement of your qualifications or resume).” 

UChicago Law School Personal Statement Examples 

These UChicago Law personal statement example excerpts can help you formulate your own perfect essay. 

UChicago Law Personal Statement Example #1

As I tumble through the air, time seems to slow. I have fallen hard many times before, but even before I hit the ground I can tell this fall is different. I complete one and a half back flips and slam shoulders-first into the slope…I do not yet know that the impact has broken my neck.
I grew up only a short drive from some of New Zealand’s best ski resorts, but my family could never afford ski vacations. My first opportunity to try snowboarding came on a trip with my university flatmate.With expectations shaped purely by the media, I left for the trip assuming snowboarding was a sport for adrenaline junkies, troublemakers, and delinquents. Much to my surprise, I instead found that it provided me with a sense of peace that defied these preconceptions.
Anxiety had been a constant companion throughout much of my childhood. I had not always been this way, but years of physical and psychological abuse at the hands of my stepfather had taken their toll. My once carefree demeanor had changed, leaving me fearful, panicky, and timid…Snowboarding became a vehicle for regaining the confidence and self-worth that had been taken from me through the injustice of abuse. Even as I began to ride competitively in boardercross racing and halfpipe, launching myself into the air over sixty-foot jumps, the sense of peace I gained during my first day on a snowboard stayed with me. It did, at least, until that April afternoon.
As I lay in a hospital bed a few hours after my accident, an overwhelming sense of fear replaced any confidence that snowboarding had instilled in me. I faced the prospect of a lengthy and complicated surgery, with no certainty about the outcome… Two days later, surgeons worked for seven hours to rebuild my neck. I awoke to learn that I had escaped any serious nerve damage. However, I would need to be immobilized by a brace twenty-four hours a day, and for over three months, before I could even contemplate rehabilitation.
Those months passed slowly. When I was finally able to start the process of rehabilitation, I made recovery my full-time job. I quickly learned that pain was to become the central reality of that year. The first day I could walk to my mailbox marked a significant achievement…Only twelve months after my injury, he cleared me to make a few careful runs on an easy, groomed slope. While I made it through those first few runs safely, they left me shaking with fear.
Since then, I have again found joy in riding, but no amount of determination will allow me to ride the way I had before…My experiences showed me the transformative power of courage and self-confidence, and taught me to build these qualities in others. At the Aspen Skiing Company, I develop and implement teaching curricula for more than two hundred snowboard instructors. My goal is for my fellow coaches to recognize that snowboarding can offer much more than just a diversion. It has the potential to have a profound and inspiring impact on their students’ lives.
In the ample time my recovery allowed for reflection, I found solace in the fact that the abuse in my childhood fostered in me not bitterness, but an enduring dedication to fairness and justice. As a college student, this dedication led me to seek out classes in ethics and morality. As a manager and leader, I strive to display both courage and enduring fairness. My interest in the legal profession stems from my belief that laws represent the concrete expressions of justice and fairness in our society.
After discovering the salvation it held for me, I believed that I was reliant on snowboarding. Yet, being forced to face the grueling process of rehabilitation without it allowed me to take the final step to recovery from the trauma of my childhood. I realized I am much stronger and more resilient than I had previously believed. I realized that courage is not something that snowboarding gave me but something that has always been within me. These realizations have prepared me to broaden the scope of my dedication to justice. Secure in the knowledge that the courage and determination I have shown will help shape my future success, I am now ready to take on this new challenge: the study and practice of law.”
Why This Personal Statement Works

This personal statement is unique and highly personal, which is what UChicago Law wants to see. Through the author’s story, we see his resilience, courage, leadership skills, and capacity for reflection. 

The beginning of the story is attention-grabbing, and the author artfully intertwines their physical and emotional recovery for a deeply personal account of their trauma and healing. 

UChicago Law Personal Statement #2 

I fell in love for the first time when I was four. That was the year my mother signed me up for piano lessons. I can still remember touching those bright, ivory keys with reverence, feeling happy and excited that soon I would be playing those tinkling, familiar melodies (which my mother played every day on our boombox) myself.
To my rather naïve surprise, however, instead of setting the score for Für Elise on the piano stand before me, my piano teacher handed me a set of Beginner’s Books…After I had mastered the note of “C,” she promised, I could move on to “D.”
It took a few years of theory and repetition before I was presented with my very first full-length classical piece: a sonatina by Muzio Clementi. I practiced the new piece daily, diligently following the written directives of the composer. I hit each staccato note crisply and played each crescendo and every decrescendo dutifully. I performed the piece triumphantly for my teacher and lifted my hands with a flourish as I finished. Instead of clapping, however, my teacher gave me a serious look and took both my hands in hers. “Music,” she said sincerely, “is not just technique. It’s not just fingers or memorization. It comes from the heart.”
That was how I discovered passion.
Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn: the arcs and passages of intricate notes are lines of genius printed on paper, but ultimately, it is the musician who coaxes them to life…I poured my happiness and my angst into the keys, loving every minute of it. I pictured things, events, and people (some real, some entirely imagined— but all intensely personal) in my mind as I played, and the feelings and melodies flowed easily: frustration into Beethoven’s Sonata Pathétique, wistfulness into Chopin’s nocturnes and waltzes, and sheer joy into Schubert. Practice was no longer a chore; it was a privilege and a delight.
In high school, I began playing the piano for church services. The music director gave me a binder full of 1-2-3 sheet music, in which melodies are written as numbers instead of as notes on a music staff…I rarely played a song the same way twice; the beauty of improvisation, of songwriting, is that it is as much “feeling” as it is logic and theory. Different occasions and different moods yielded different results: sometimes, “Listen Quietly” was clean and beautiful in its simplicity; other times, it became elaborate and nearly classical in its passages. The basic melody and musical key, which a song is played—knowing the scale, the chords, the harmonies, and how well (or unwell) they work together—is essential…
Although my formal music education ended when I entered college, the lessons I have learned over the years have remained close and relevant to my life. I have acquired a lifestyle of discipline and internalized the drive for self-improvement. I have gained an appreciation for the complexities and the subtleties of interpretation. I understand the importance of having both a sound foundation and a dedication to constant study. I understand that to possess a passion and personal interest in something, to think for myself, is just as important.”
Why This is a Good Personal Statement

You may be thinking, “This personal statement has absolutely no relation to law or law school!” You’d be partially correct; remember, UChicago Law allows applicants to write about anything they want that uncovers their personality. This student chose music, and that’s okay. 

However, her story shows where she learned about passion, putting her own spin on something that already exists, discipline, and her drive for self-improvement—all qualities that lawyers should embody. 

Beyond that, her narrative is thoughtful and shows her understanding and growth over time. Her narrative focuses directly on the qualities she possesses that would make her an excellent lawyer. 

Hopefully these personal statement examples have inspired you and will help you write your own memorable essay!

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UChicago Law School Interview Questions and Format

The University of Chicago Law School does require an interview for its application process. Interviews are completed through invitation only, therefore not all applicants will receive one. 

virtual interview

Interview Format

All interviews are conducted over Zoom with an admissions committee member. Interviews typically take 20 minutes to complete and are used to better assess an applicant’s communication skills, motivation, maturity, and contribution to the Law School.

Questions Examples

Here are some sample interview questions you could be asked:

  • What draws you to the University of Chicago Law School?
  • What motivates you?
  • Why did you pursue X experience?
  • What did you learn from X experience?
  • What challenges have you faced and overcome to get to where you are today?

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University of Chicago Law School Tuition and Scholarships

The University of Chicago Law School’s tuition costs $79,539 annually. Including living, personal, and other expenses, the total estimated cost to attend this school is $113,478. 

Let’s break down this figure:

Expense Cost
Tuition $79,539
Health Insurance $4,998
Graduate Student Services Fee $1,452
Living Expenses, including Housing & Food $19,593
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $1,789
Personal & Miscellaneous $3,438
Transportation $2,670
Total $113,478


University of Chicago Law School is considered one of the most expensive law schools to attend. Fortunately, it awards financial aid based on academic achievement and need. Around 80% of students are recipients of scholarships, and approximately 60% opt for loans.

Additionally, UChicago offers financial support to students pursuing careers in public interest or government through programs like their Loan Repayment Assistance Program and the Summer Public Interest Funding Program.

Student holding cash

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University of Chicago Law Application Deadlines

Applications for the University of Chicago Law School open September 1, 2024, and close March 1st, 2025 for regular applicants. UChicago Law offers Early and Regular Decision pathways. 

Here are the important dates and deadlines you should know as you navigate the application process.

Date & Deadlines Application Stage
September 1, 2024 You can start submitting your LSAC applications.
December 1, 2024 Deadline for Early Decision and Chicago Law Scholars Program applicants.
Late December, 2024 Admissions decisions for Early Decision and the Chicago Law Scholars Program are released.
January-March, 2025 Decisions are released on a rolling basis for Regular Decision applicants.
January, 2025 Information on admitted student events, financial aid, housing, and more is available on the Admitted Students website.
February, 2025 Students can check the Financial Aid section for more info about scholarship dates.
March 1, 2025 Deadline for Regular Decision applicants. Scholarship awards will be released sometime in March.
Early or Mid-April, 2025 Admitted Students Weekend.
April/May, 2025 Seat deposit deadline.
Mid-May, 2025 FAFSA deadline for priority financial aid processing.

University of Chicago Law School Bar Passage Rate: 94.3%

The University of Chicago Law graduates have a 94.3% first-time bar passage rate. This is significantly higher than the national average of 79.18%.

How to Get Into the University of Chicago Law School: 3 Tips To Improve Your Admission Chances

Follow these tips to get into the University of Chicago and wow the judges:

The Personal Statement: Consider What the Admissions Committee Is Seeking

There are two main elements the admissions committee is looking for in your personal statement: 

  1. Who you are. Are you a likable individual who’ll contribute to the campus community? Does your statement showcase your thoughtfulness and reflection on your experiences? Will faculty and peers enjoy working with you and learning from you? 
  2. Your writing and communication skills. Is your delivery of your story effective? Is the information presented logically, and is it concise and clear? Good communication and writing skills are imperative to your success in the legal field: the admissions committee wants to see your potential. 

Keep both elements in mind when crafting your personal statement.

Show Evidence of Leadership and Initiative

UChicago Law values candidates who exhibit leadership qualities and take initiative. Highlight instances where you have taken on leadership roles in academic or extracurricular settings. 

Discuss how you have initiated projects, led teams, or contributed to positive change within your community. Providing concrete examples of your leadership abilities will strengthen your application.

Showcase Intellectual Curiosity and Critical Thinking

A final tip to increase your chances of getting into the University of Chicago Law School is to highlight instances where you engaged in complex problem-solving, pursued academic challenges, or demonstrated a keen interest in challenging concepts. 

Don’t just go for the easy courses in your undergrad, prove you can handle academic rigor!

What Does UChicago Law Look for?

Typically, what UChicago Law looks for is high-achieving applicants who are intellectually curious, have experience in and a commitment to the public service sector, offer diverse perspectives to enrich the UChicago community, and show potential to be great leaders in the legal field. 


If you still have questions about getting into UChicago Law, check out these FAQs. 

1. Is the University of Chicago a Good School for Law?

Yes, UChicago Law is the third-best law school in the country, making it an excellent institution to further your legal knowledge and career. 

2. Is It Hard to Get Into the Chicago Law School? 

Yes, it’s relatively hard to get into UChicago Law School considering the 12.73% acceptance rate. However, a perfected application can help boost your chances; try not to get too hung up on statistics. 

3. What GPA Do I Need to Get Into the University of Chicago Law School? 

There is no exact GPA you need for UChicago Law, but you should strive for an undergraduate GPA of 3.94 or higher to be considered a more competitive applicant. Anything lower will fall below the median GPA of past successful students.

4. What Is a Good LSAT Score for the University of Chicago Law School? 

Anything above the median LSAT score of admitted students would be a great LSAT score for UChicago. A great goal would be 173.

5. How Many Students Does UChicago Law Admit? 

UChicago admits approximately 700-900 students a year. There are typically around 200 JD students entering the 1L class each year.

6. What Does UChicago Law Look for? 

UChicago Law seeks students “who are intellectually curious, lively, collegial, and rigorous in their academic approach.” The school wants students who are serious about their education without taking themselves too seriously. A well-rounded background with various talents, experiences, and accomplishments helps. 

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