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LSAT Accommodations: How To Get It & Who Qualifies

March 5, 2025
5 min read


Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 4/3/24

If you’re beginning your LSAT journey and want to learn more about how to get accommodations for the LSAT, read on!

The LSAT is meant to be fair, free of bias, and accessible. From the content of the exam itself being rigorously reviewed and tested for fairness and sensitivity to the experimental section on each LSAT testing new questions for bias, the LSAT is fittingly all about being just. 

Continuing their dedication to accessibility, LSAC also allows students to request accommodations to ensure their test results most accurately represent their abilities and aptitudes.

If you want to know whether you qualify for LSAT accommodations, how to apply for them, and what accommodations are available, read on to find your answers. 

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How To Get Accommodations for the LSAT

To get accommodations for the LSAT, you’ll have to be aware of the deadlines and follow specific steps. 

Accommodations Request Deadlines

Your accommodation request deadline will be the same as the administration registration deadline for your LSAT test date. For instance, if you are planning on writing the January test, your deadline to register for this test is November 30th, and this is also your deadline to request accommodations.

However, you are strongly encouraged to request accommodations well before this deadline!

1. Register for the LSAT

You must already be registered for your desired LSAT test date to request accommodations. 

2. Visit Your LSAC Account

You must request accommodations through your LSAC account. Once you have logged in, there will be a drop-down menu on the “LSAT” button where you can click “Request Accommodations.” In case you’re confused, it should look like this:

3. Fill In the Candidate Accommodation Form

Once you’ve clicked on the “Request Accommodations” link, you’ll be brought to an accommodation form (known as the statement of need) to fill out. Here, you’ll be asked to provide information on the reason(s) you require accommodation and will be asked for documentation proving you require accommodations.

The statement of need for the LSAT is extremely important if you want your accommodations to be accepted. Here is a statement of need LSAT example you can look at to see what it looks like. 

Ensure you complete and submit this form before the registration deadline of your test date. 

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Who Qualifies for Accommodations?

People who feel they are unable to complete the LSAT in the allotted time, in the allotted format, or with the allotted resources may qualify for accommodations. To be more specific, the following disorders/conditions are those deemed by LSAC to require accommodations:

  • Visual impairments
  • Physical/medical impairments
  • Neurological impairments
  • Psychological impairments
  • Hearing impairments

The form also has an “other” section where you can describe any other condition that requires accommodations. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition students can get accommodations for despite it not being directly listed on the form! Students with ADHD can get extra time on the LSAT. For each of the listed conditions, you’ll also be asked to list your specific diagnosis.

Along with these accommodations, LSAC offers an LSAT hotel reimbursement of $125 for test takers in the US or Canada lacking reliable internet or a quiet place to test. This ensures a suitable environment for all candidates, highlighting LSAC's commitment to accessible and fair testing conditions.

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What Are the Requirements To Get LSAT Accommodations?

To have your accommodation request approved, you must include a written or typed explanation of why you need accommodations to complete the LSAT to the best of your aptitude and achievement level.

In addition to this necessary part of your candidate accommodation form, you’ll need to submit different documentation based on the type of accommodation(s) you need. 

You Have Prior Approval for Accommodations

Students who have received prior approval for accommodations will be given the same accommodations automatically without having to submit a request or supporting documents.

However, if these test-takers want different accommodations, they will have to submit a new request form and the required documents depending on the type of accommodation(s) they want.

You Have Prior Approval of Accommodations on Other Standardized Tests

If you’ve written another postsecondary standardized test, like the GRE, and you’re seeking the same accommodations you received for that test, you’ll have to submit the following:

  • The standard candidate request form
  • Verification of the previous accommodation from a test sponsor

If you are seeking different accommodation from what you received on your past standardized test, you’ll also have to submit a Qualified Professional Form. 

This form must be filled out and signed by a certified professional who can attest to the legitimacy of the reason(s) for your accommodations. 

Category One Requests

Category one requests are those that do not require any time extensions. For these requests, you’ll need to submit:

  • The standard candidate request form
  • A Qualified Professional Form

Category Two Requests

These requests are typically made by candidates who do not have severe visual impairment but want up to 50% extended time or candidates with severe visual impairment who require the test in a different format and need 100% extended time.

These candidates must submit the candidate request form, a Qualified Professional Form, and additional relevant information such as:

  • A record of formal or informal testing accommodations in school (from Grade K-12 or postsecondary) 
  • A record of attendance at a specialized school that provided the needed accommodations
  • A record of similar accommodations on previous standardized tests
  • Another form of legitimate record of these accommodations being granted in the past

Category Three Requests

The final category is for candidates without severe visual impairment who want more than 50% extended time or candidates with severe visual impairment who want more than 100% extended time.

Like the category two requests, these candidates must submit a candidate request form and a Qualified Professional Form. On top of these forms, they must provide relevant information to substantiate their need for this extent of accommodation. This information can be:

  • Proof that on prior standardized testing, the candidate was approved for more than 50% of extended time
  • A qualified professional provides documentation with explanation that supports the need for more than 50% more time, further explaining the severity of the disorder
  • A qualified professional provides information showing the candidate needs extra time on certain portions of the LSAT but not others
  • A postsecondary disability service provider provides signed proof that the student received 50% more time on their college exams
  • Proof that the student has concurrent conditions and limitations that warrant the extended time requested

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What Are the Types of Accommodations Available for the LSAT?

Since there are a variety of conditions students can have, there are a variety of accommodations available. The following are the main ones available:

  • Extended test-taking time: qualifying students can get more than 100% extra time
  • Additional breaks between sections: students can only do up to 10 hours of both test writing and breaks in one day. If more than 10 hours are required, the exam must be taken over two days
  • Permission to sit/stand during the test
  • Permission to read/speak aloud (which is particularly helpful for the reading comprehension section(s) of the LSAT)
  • Use of physical magnification devices
  • Use of braille writer, display, or note
  • Tactile manipulatives
  • Excel spreadsheets
  • Use of a human reader: you may select a reader of your choice if approved
  • Use of an amanuensis/scribe: you may select a scribe of your choice if approved

These accommodations will help you achieve a fair score and avoid a low score due to circumstances out of your control. There are also alternate test formats available for students who are unable to complete the online test:

  • Unified English Braille (UEB) books
  • Paper-and-pencil format (regular print)
  • Paper-and-pencil format (larger print like 18-point font or higher)

Although paper formats of the exam are available, these tests must still be completed using the online, remote, proctored LSAT format. As such, students must still use a computer and have their camera and microphone on for the entire duration of the test.

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The Common Reasons Why Accommodations Requests are Denied by LSAC 

There are six common reasons that accommodations requests get denied:

  • No evidence is submitted: The candidate has not provided the necessary documents to prove they require accommodations.
  • Documentation is not from a qualified professional: Qualified professionals must be licensed or otherwise credentialed and have knowledge of your specific condition.
  • Insufficient reasoning: The reasoning for accommodation fails to prove accommodation is required to let the student perform to their best aptitude.
  • The documentation does not meet standards: Your documentation may be outdated and from five or more years ago, or the candidate was examined before the age of 13.
  • The documentation is not legible
  • Insufficient documentation: Candidates asking for more than 50% of extended time who don’t provide rationale based on history and objective evidence may be denied.

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If you have any remaining questions about the LSAT disability accommodations, read on to find your answers.

1. What Accommodations Are Available on the LSAT?

Several accommodations are available on the LSAT, such as extended test-taking time, additional breaks, permission to stand, permission to read aloud, the use of various electronic or physical devices, the use of braille devices, or the use of human readers or scribes.

2. What Percentage of LSAT Takers Get Accommodations?

Between 65% to 77% of test takers require accommodations.

3. Can I Get Accommodations for Anxiety?

Yes, while LSAT stress is normal, if you have anxiety that can be proved through enough legitimate evidence, you can absolutely receive accommodations for it! This is particularly true if you have an anxiety-related condition or disorder that can be corroborated by a qualified professional. 

4. Do Law Schools See Accommodations?

No, law schools will see your score the same as every other candidate’s. Your score report will not indicate your accommodations.

5. Which Accommodations Are the Most Common?

Extra time and additional breaks are the most asked-for and granted accommodations for the LSAT.

6. How Long Does It Take To Get a Response for Accommodations Requests?

You can expect to wait at least a week to get a response to your request. However, it can take several weeks.

7. I Was Requesting Accommodations Before, But Now Request Forms Look Different. Do I Still Need To Submit a Statement of Need or Evidence of Disability? 

No, you do not need to submit a Statement of Need any more, as this section has been added to the Candidate Form. Similarly, the Evidence of Disability form has been renamed the “Qualified Professional Form.”

You will have to submit both the Candidate Form and Qualified Professional Form to be considered for accommodations. 

8. English Is Not My First Language. Am I Eligible For Accommodations?

Being an English language learner is not considered a disability, so you will not be eligible for accommodations based on this factor alone. 

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Final Thoughts

Now that you know more about the accommodations you can get for the LSAT, you can decide whether or not you need them. You should also have a better grasp on the correct steps to take and mistakes to avoid, to ensure your accommodation request(s) are approved so your LSAT score fairly reflects your aptness! Happy studying, and good luck!

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