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How to Improve LSAT Score - Proven Strategies (2024)

March 24, 2025
5 min read


Reviewed by:

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 4/25/24

If you’re preparing to write the LSAT and aren’t sure how to get to your target score, or if you wrote the LSAT and received an unsatisfactory score, you may be wondering how to improve your score. Read on to find your answers!

While the difference between 157 and 160 may seem insignificant, these few points can influence the entire trajectory of your career—your LSAT score is that important!

This three-point increase can take you from the 67th percentile to the 77th, which can get you into higher-ranking schools that offer more resources and employment prospects. 

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Proven Strategies to Improve Your LSAT Score

Here are tips on how to do well on the LSAT to help you increase your score.

Choose Quality Resources

Before you begin your LSAT prep, it’s essential you spend time researching the best resources to use. Do not only rely on the internet! You will be bombarded with numerous courses, prep books, and videos, all claiming to have the perfect LSAT tips to ace your exam.

While this will be a good place to start, you should also reach out to previous test-takers or law students, your pre-law advisors, or other students planning to take the LSAT. Focus on the quality of these resources rather than the quantity. 

It might seem effective to go through several resources to learn multiple strategies in order to tackle the exam, but the majority of strategies in these books are very similar. 

You should also choose resources that go beyond simply explaining how to answer common question types, and choose ones that provide you with actual hacks to cut on time or find your answer easier! Here are some fan-favorite prep books:

  • The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning: provides students with tips on how to tackle and answer logical reasoning questions without needing to know the question type
  • The LSAT Tutor: includes tips on how to answer questions faster and reduce test anxiety
  • Trivium’s LSAT Prep Book: a relatively short prep book that covers each section of the LSAT and shares the most researched test tactics

Try to use a diverse range of resources to best suit your learning styles. For instance, while prep books can be helpful in learning popular question types, seeing how these questions are answered through video explanations can give you better insight into how to answer and diagram them most efficiently. 

Be in It for the Long Haul

When trying to improve your LSAT score, it’s essential to have realistic expectations of how long it’ll take! The LSAT is unlike any other exam you’ve written and will require adequate preparation to master. 

As such, you should only embark on this journey if you’re serious about dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to studying. You should give yourself at least three months to study and extra time to retake the exam.

This also means eliminating distractions! Here are some tips on how to be an engaged student: 

  • Keep your phone out of sight, on silent
  • Only keep necessary tabs open on your laptop/computer, like your LSAT practice exams
  • Time your breaks to ensure you’re not cutting into your studying time
  • Find a quiet room where you won’t be distracted by noise, people, or pets
  • Create a reward system for major and minor milestones (your favorite takeout every 3-5 point increase, watch an episode of your favorite show at the end of each study session, etc.) 

Implementing these tips into your studies will ensure you make the most out of them!

Treat It Like a Full-Time Job

You wouldn’t skip out on work without repercussions. Not only would you lose money, but you might also get a stern talking to by your boss. When preparing for your test, some useful 

LSAT advice is to be your own boss and be strict about following the study schedule you set.

Treat your LSAT prep like a job. 

Take it seriously and dedicate a set amount of hours to your studies each week. Here’s a quick suggestion guide to follow when deciding how many hours to study a week:

Schedule Hours a Day Hours a Week
2 months At least 8 hours 40 hours
3 months At least 7 hours 35 hours
4 months At least 5 hours 25 hours
5 months At least 4 hours 20 hours
6 months At least 2 hours 10 hours

Remember, if you skip your study shifts you’ll hinder your own progress. While you won’t lose money, you can lose points! Consistently missing study sessions will make it harder for you to retain what you’re learning, and you will see a decrease in your score instead of an increase.

Prioritize Practice

As important as it is to use prep materials to learn strategy and understand each section of the LSAT, it’s equally as important to put this knowledge to use! Unless you dedicate a considerable amount of time to practicing real LSAT exams, you’re unlikely to see any improvement in your score.

You should take both timed and untimed practice exams. Begin with untimed exams to figure out which LSAT strategies work best for you, and then complete timed exams to improve your speed. 

Review Your Answers

To ensure your practice sessions are as effective as possible, you must review all of your answers after you’ve completed each practice exam, especially the ones you get wrong. Rather than simply looking for the right answer, you should try figuring out why you got the wrong answer.

Sometimes, this might mean redoing the entire question! Although this step will take a while, it’s important to review your wrong answers to avoid making the same mistakes again during your subsequent practice sessions and on test day

You should also keep track of the questions you get incorrect and revisit them throughout your prep until you get them right. This tip is great if you’re wondering how to improve your test score by 10 points or more. When you implement this strategy into your test prep, you’ll see a drastic improvement in your LSAT score over time! 

Prioritize Your Weaknesses

To piggyback off the previous tip, studying each section of the LSAT equally will result in less than optimal performance. You should definitely understand each section of the LSAT but should dedicate more time to rectifying your weaknesses than polishing your strengths.

Perhaps you struggle with analyzing and understanding lengthy reading passages, or you think logic games are puzzles that seemingly always have missing pieces. Regardless of what your weaknesses are, you’ll need to focus on fixing them to see the most improvement in your score.

Don’t Neglect Your Strengths

We’ve emphasized the importance of rectifying your weaknesses, but we don’t want you to completely neglect your strengths when studying. Even if you answered the majority of RC questions correctly during your diagnostic test and consider yourself an expert reader, there is always room for improvement.

Regardless of how much you improve in your strong areas, it’s important to maintain your strengths through practice.  Your strong areas should essentially be easy points for you to score. 

Seek External, Expert Help

If all else fails and you’ve implemented all of the tips in this guide, it might be time to seek external help. While most LSAT test-takers self-study and rely on self-paced courses or prep books, tutors can be the extra support you need to push past a certain score. 

Juris’ 99th percentile LSAT tutors know the ins and outs of the exam and can share the very best tips to increase your score by 12 points! These experts will not only share their tried and true tips with you but will ensure you know how to tackle the LSAT with as little hassle as possible.

Take a Break!

As we mentioned previously, you have to treat your LSAT like a full-time job. However, it’s also important to know your limits and take a break when necessary. You may only need a few hours, days, or even a couple of weeks to reset and refresh. 

This doesn’t mean you should take a break when you're losing interest or something more exciting comes up. You should only take a break from your studies if you’re experiencing the following:

  • Severe fatigue: you’re either studying for too many hours per day, not getting enough sleep, or not taking enough breaks throughout the day
  • Overwhelming stress or anxiety: you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, which will not only impact your mental health but result in poorer performance
  • Health concerns: you may be skipping meals, spending too much time indoors, or losing sleep
  • Lack of concentration: if you try your best to concentrate but keep failing, you may be burned out 

If you experience any or all of these issues when studying, it’s a sign you need to step back from your prep for a little bit. As important as your LSAT is, your well-being should always come first for the sake of not only your sanity and health but your LSAT score!

You will see the most improvement in your LSAT score when your brain and body have the fuel and energy to work to their optimal levels.

Answer Questions Based on Difficulty, Not Chronology 

The final strategy to discuss when exploring how to improve LSAT scores is one of our last-minute LSAT tips that should be implemented during the final weeks of your studies and on test day. This strategy involves having a realistic understanding of your strengths and using them to your advantage.

As much as you practice and try to rectify your weaknesses, there will always be questions or a section you struggle with the most. This is completely normal and expected. To ensure it doesn’t cost you too many points, you should answer questions based on difficulty rather than their chronology. 

Instead of answering the LSAT questions in order, you should quickly skim all of them and see which ones you can answer the fastest. Then, move on to the harder questions and guess on any that you don’t have time to answer. This is one of the most important LSAT test day tips to keep in mind for good time management! 

Understand Conditional Statements

Grasp the nuances of conditional reasoning, including sufficient and necessary conditions. These concepts are fundamental to logical reasoning questions and logic games. 

Invest time in understanding how conditional statements function and their implications in argumentation. Solidifying your understanding of these principles will enhance your performance on related LSAT questions.

Avoid Over-Reliance on Diagrams

While diagrams can be useful for visualizing relationships in logic games, don't rely on them excessively, especially in logical reasoning questions. Instead, focus on understanding the underlying logic behind the arguments. Train yourself to analyze arguments without relying solely on visual aids, as this skill is essential for success on the LSAT.

Identify Flaws in Arguments

Train yourself to recognize common logical fallacies and flaws in arguments presented in logical reasoning questions. Understanding these flaws is crucial for selecting the correct answers and strengthening your overall reasoning skills. Regular exposure to argument analysis and practice identifying flaws will improve your performance in this section.

Use Guideposts in Reading Comprehension

Mark key information in reading comprehension passages to serve as guideposts when answering questions. Highlighting important details and main ideas during your initial reading can help you locate relevant information quickly when revisiting the passage. 

This strategic approach aids in efficient passage navigation and improves your overall performance in this section.

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In this guide, we’ve provided you with our top 10 LSAT tricks and tips for beating the LSAT. For any remaining questions, read on to find your answers.

1. How Much Can You Realistically Improve Your Score?

There isn’t really a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Your potential depends on how long you plan on studying, the quality of the resources you’re using, and how dedicated you are to improving your LSAT score.

Students have successfully improved their LSAT score by over 20 points, but it required several months, even years, of dedicated study, trial and error, and unwavering focus. 

2. How Long Does It Take to Improve Your Score?

With enough time, patience, and practice, you should see improvements in your LSAT score every week or two. You should give yourself at least three months to see the most overall improvement from your diagnostic score.

3. Can I Improve My LSAT Score in One Week?

If you’ve already gone through your prep materials and are beginning your practice sessions, then yes you can see some improvement within a week. However, if you’ve only just taken a diagnostic test and are wondering how to increase your LSAT score in one week, you should know it’s highly unlikely you’ll see any difference before studying.

4. How Do I Improve My LSAT Score by 10 Points?

How you can improve it by 10 points depends on a few factors. The biggest is what your diagnostic score is. The work necessary to improve your score from a 145 to a 155 will be far less extensive than the work required to improve your score from a 155 to a 165. 

Depending on what your diagnostic score is, you should implement the following strategies into your test prep:

  • Create your study schedule depending on the difference between your diagnostic percentile and target percentile; the larger the difference, the longer you’ll need to study
  • Choose quality resources and consider seeking external help
  • Stick to your schedule and be engaged in your studies
  • Prioritize rectifying your weaknesses but avoid neglecting your strengths
  • Practice, practice, practice

Following these tips should help you improve your score by 10 points!

5. How Hard Is it to Get a 160 on the LSAT?

Getting a 160 will require diligence and practice. Considering this score puts you around the 80th percentile, it will be challenging to reach. 

6. How to Get a High Score in LSAT?

Scoring high on the LSAT takes strategy and focused prep. Here's how:

  • Know LSAT's Style: Understand it's about critical thinking, not memorization.
  • Set Goals: Aim for a clear score target.
  • Stick to Schedule: Plan study time consistently.
  • Choose Right Resources: Find prep materials that suit you.
  • Focus on Logic: Spend extra time on logical reasoning.
  • Work on Weaknesses: Target areas you struggle with.
  • Prepare for Test Day: Practice under exam conditions.
  • Practice Regularly: More practice means more confidence.

These tips, followed consistently, will boost your LSAT score.

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Final Thoughts

Equipped with the best strategies and tips on how to improve your LSAT score, your LSAT prep will be targeted, effective, and ultimately successful in helping you reach your target score. Not only will this get you one step closer to attending your dream law school, but it will also ensure you limit your LSAT stress and remain motivated!

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Improve Your LSAT Score By Attempting 5 Original Questions Here

Improve Your LSAT Score By Attempting 5 Original Questions Here


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