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How to Create an Effective LSAT Study Schedule

March 5, 2025


Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 5/7/24

While it’s generally advised that students spend as much time as possible studying for the LSAT, this isn’t always feasible. This guide will cover how to create the perfect LSAT study schedule for you!

Whether you decided to apply for law school at the last minute and only have a month to study, or you live by the motto that slow and steady wins the race and have six months or more to study, it’s essential to create an LSAT study schedule to keep on track and organized.

As most students rely on a combination of prep books, tutors, LSAT courses, and practice exams, creating this schedule can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve got you covered and have created a comprehensive guide on how to make the perfect LSAT schedule!

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How to Create an LSAT Study Schedule

Before you set your dates and milestones, you must consider some factors. This section will go over them.

Other Commitments

Depending on when you’re planning on writing the LSAT, you may have other obligations that can limit the amount of time you can dedicate to studying. 

For instance, many students choose to study in the summer of their sophomore or junior year while also working or volunteering part- or full-time to begin building their law school resumes!

While you should make your LSAT studying a priority to see results and reach your target score, you also want to ensure you aren’t neglecting other commitments.

Accordingly, you’ll need to make a realistic study schedule that factors in all of your commitments. You don’t want to overschedule yourself because it’ll lead to burnout, causing you to be less motivated to stay on track, ultimately minimizing your score improvement.

An effective way to study for the LSAT is to treat it like a part-time or full-time job. Decide how many hours per week you want to study and schedule yourself accordingly! If you’re studying for the LSAT while in school, ten hours a week might be manageable for you. 

If you’re only studying and don’t have any other commitments, 25 to 35 hours a week may be feasible.

Your Diagnostic and Target Score

To assess how long you’ll need to study for the LSAT, you should first take a diagnostic test to determine your baseline abilities. Once you’ve taken this test and received your score, compare it to the median scores of your top law school choices.

Choose how long you want to study based on this difference. If you only have to improve by five to six points, you may be able to do so in one or two months if you study full-time. If you need to improve by ten or more points, you likely need between three to six months to reach this score. 

Your Target Date

Before building a schedule, you need to set a date to write your LSAT to know what you’re working towards and to make your plan more concrete! If you have a date set, you will be under more pressure to stick to your schedule and reach the finish line. 

If possible, you should allocate enough time to study for and take two LSAT tests in case your first one doesn’t go as well as planned! Almost 50% of the 2022 test takers had to retake the LSAT, so err on the side of caution by giving yourself ample opportunity to reach your target score.

Your Studying Methods

There are various ways to study for the LSAT. Some students rely solely on prep books and practice exams, some use LSAT courses, hire tutors, and some do it all on their own! Depending on how many avenues you want to explore, how much time you dedicate to your LSAT prep may differ.

For instance, many LSAT prep books are 500 to 750 pages long. Reading these extensive prep books alone will likely take a few weeks. 

Now that we’ve covered what you need to start building your LSAT study schedule, we’ll discuss how you can plan your LSAT prep. We will provide some tips and guidelines for structuring a one-month, three-month, or six-month study schedule. 

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One-Month Study Schedule

Studying for the LSAT for only one month isn’t recommended. Even if you scored relatively high on your diagnostic LSAT test, you’ll likely score lower on the actual test. However, even if you only have a month, it’s still possible to study for the LSAT and do well.

If this is the case, you’ll likely have to dedicate 30 or more hours to your studies weekly. You’ll have a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time. You should also only choose one or two short prep books and spend the rest of your time honing your skills, practicing real LSAT questions, and rectifying any weaknesses. 

Here’s a sample LSAT study schedule you could follow for your month of studying:

  • Week 1: Take your diagnostic test and read through your chosen prep book(s) and LSAT prep materials while constantly reviewing your notes
  • Week 2: Focus on practicing analytical reasoning questions, both timed and untimed
  • Week 3: Focus on practicing logical reasoning questions and reading comprehension questions, both timed and untimed
  • Week 4: Hone in on weaknesses and complete two full-length practice tests every day under timed conditions

Try to dedicate five or six days per week to your LSAT studies. Take at least one day to rest and reset your brain to continue studying without burning out. 

Depending on your weaknesses, you may change the sections you focus on in weeks 2 and 3. Most students struggle the most with the analytical reasoning section, which is why we suggest you dedicate a full week to mastering it.

This section also tends to have the most improvement compared to the others, so it’s worth spending more time on to maximize your chances of scoring high. 

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Three-Month LSAT Study Schedule

Three months is typically sufficient to dedicate to studying for the LSAT! 

You should be able to cover all the necessary material at a moderate pace and have enough time to figure out the strategies that work for you and how to save time answering questions. 

Most students that study for three months dedicate four to six days a week to their prep and around 15-25 hours per week. 

Here’s an example of what a 3-month LSAT study schedule might look like:

  • Month 1: Assessing your baseline abilities and completing and reviewing all prep books and other visual materials to learn theory and problem-solving fundamentals
  • Month 2: Focusing on strategy and skill, completing timed and untimed LSAT sections, and finding your weaknesses
  • Month 3: Focusing on rectifying your weaknesses and taking a few full, timed practice exams under test conditions each week

With three months to study, you may also consider enlisting the help of experts in your last month to get to your target score easier! Juris’ 99th percentile tutors can provide excellent insight on achieving the highest score possible.

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Six-Month Study Schedule

Finally, those with enough time to dedicate six months to LSAT prep can spend much longer perfecting their strategy and exploring various prep options.

Students studying for six months generally have other time commitments that restrict them from spending excessive hours studying. Accordingly, they typically dedicate 10-15 hours per week, spread over three to five days, to their studies. 

The following LSAT schedule is how we suggest you break up your six-month study period:

  • Month 1: Assessing your baseline abilities, reading, and making notes on your first prep book to learn theory
  • Month 2: Reading and reviewing the notes you made from your chosen prep book and potentially completing another one
  • Month 3: Completing untimed practice questions to find your strengths and weaknesses
  • Month 4: Master your strategy for your stronger sections and question types with timed and untimed sections 
  • Month 5: Rectify your weaknesses using timed and untimed practice questions, practice and review questions you have the most difficulty with, and complete two to three full practice tests during the last week of this month
  • Month 6: Focus on completing at least two to three full, timed practice tests under LSAT test conditions each week to solidify your skills 

With more time to dedicate to studying, you have more LSAT test prep options you can pursue. You may want to read more prep books, get help from a tutor, or enroll in a self-paced LSAT course.

You can easily include additional prep materials in your schedule! For instance, you may participate in one-hour tutoring sessions or dedicate two to three hours a week to reading another prep book.   

Ultimately, when creating your LSAT study schedule, you must include time to not only learn theory but also put this theory to practice using real past LSAT exams under timed conditions. This is the best way to assess your skills and better predict the score you’ll receive on test day.

Not sure which schedule is best for you? We'll help you choose the right one for your 165+ score.

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FAQs: LSAT Study Schedule

Read on for any remaining questions about creating the most effective LSAT study schedule.

1. How Many Hours a Day Should You Spend Studying for the LSAT?

It is best to spend around these many hours studying for the LSAT a day:

  • One-month study plan: five to eight hours
  • Three-month study plan: three to six hours
  • Six-month study plan: two to three hours

2. Are Two Months Enough Time to Study for the LSAT?

Yes, two months can be enough time to study for the LSAT if you can dedicate at least 15-20 hours each week.

3. Are Four Months Enough Time to Study for the LSAT?

Yes, many students find three months is enough to study for the LSAT. Four months can allow you to continue honing your LSAT skills to achieve a higher score!

4. How Many Hours a Week Should I Study for the LSAT?

Depending on how many months you’re dedicating to your LSAT studies, you should study between 10-35 hours per week. 

5. How Many Prep Books Should I Use?

Most prep books are lengthy, meaning they’ll take a while to read through and digest. While prep books often have sample questions you can work through, you should give yourself ample time to practice full LSAT sections and tests on top of these. As such, you should only use one to three prep books, depending on how long you have to study.

Test your skills with our LSAT sample question pop quiz, designed to sharpen your reasoning abilities and prep you for the challenges of the exam ahead.

6. How Do I Decide How Long I Should Study For?

Consider other time commitments you have, when your LSAT scores are due, and how far your baseline abilities are from your desired score.

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Final Thoughts

Writing the LSAT on test day is the most daunting part of the LSAT journey, so you should make your prep as hassle-free as possible! By creating and following schedules like the ones we’ve shared here, you’re sure to have a more stress-free LSAT experience and be better prepared for test day!

Good luck!

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