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How Much is the LSAT?

March 5, 2025


Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 11/30/23

If you’re interested in knowing how much writing the LSAT costs, read on to learn more!

While preparing for the LSAT, we’re sure you’ve asked questions like, “how do I get to my target score?”, “how do I study for the exam?”, “how do I pick my perfect date and register?” Another overlooked yet important question to ask is, “how much is the LSAT?”

Part of preparing for the LSAT is knowing exactly how much it’ll cost! It’s important to know these costs to make your LSAT budget. While you might think your LSAT budget should just include the costs of any prep materials, the actual LSAT itself can be quite expensive, so you should definitely factor it in!

This guide will cover all of the basic and additional fees you can expect to pay for your LSAT!

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LSAT Costs and Fees

So, how much does it cost to take the LSAT? The basic cost to write the LSAT is $222. However, there are other fees you must pay in order to have your score reported and visible to the law schools you apply to. 

Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Fee  

The CAS fee is a subscription to a service that is valid for five years. Every ABA-accredited law school will require this subscription. 

CAS makes the admissions process much easier for law schools as you will submit your transcripts from your undergraduate college, your letters of recommendation, and other relevant information through this service.

 This subscription will cost $200.

CAS Report

You’ll also have to purchase a CAS report for each law school you wish to apply to. CAS reports include all of your LSAT scores for admissions committees to review. 

Each CAS report will cost you $45. Even if you reapply to the same law school(s) in another application cycle, it will still cost you $45 per law school.

These reports add up if you apply to several law schools! Accordingly, it’s essential you create a realistic list of top law school choices to ensure admission to at least one!

The sweet spot tends to be around 10-12 law schools, meaning you’ll be spending $450 to $540 on your CAS reports alone!

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LSAT Auxiliary Fees

The above LSAT fees are considered basic fees that every student pays. The following fees are optional add-ons you can purchase:

LSAT Score Preview

Students who want the option of canceling their score so law schools can’t see it can purchase this add-on. Students will receive their score at the same time as everyone else but will have six days to decide whether they want to keep or cancel it.

The LSAT score preview will cost $45 or $75, depending on when you sign up to preview your score. It will cost $45 if you sign up prior to the testing days and $75 if you sign up during a specific period after the testing days.

Official Candidate LSAT Score Report

These official score reports detail all of your LSAT scores, including non reportable ones, those older than five years. These are not required to apply to law schools, but students wishing to see nonreportable scores or applying to intellectual organizations often purchase these.

Official LSAT score reports cost $50.

Score Audit

After receiving your score, you may be concerned that it was marked incorrectly or errors were made on LSAC’s part. If this is the case, you can request your score to be audited. The LSAT Score Audit costs $150.

However, it’s important to note that audits very rarely result in score changes. 

Test Date Change

The most common auxiliary fee applicants purchase is test date changes. If you chose an LSAT test date and realized you need to change it, you’ll have to pay a fee depending on how long you wait to request a change:

Date Cost
Before the Registration Deadline No Charge
After the registration deadline has passed $135
After the Registration Deadline $222

Circumstances change and life gets in the way of plans! Keep these dates in mind to ensure you’re prepared for the fees associated with these changes.

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LSAT Fee Waivers

If you’re a financially under-resourced test taker, you can apply for a fee waiver and be granted one of the two-tiered packages that are part of the LSAC Fee Waiver Program.

The following test takers are eligible for the Tier One Package:

  • Independent applicants earning up to 250% of the federal poverty guidelines
  • Dependent applicants earning 150% of the federal poverty guidelines who have a combined income with their parents of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines

The Tier One Package includes the following fee waivers:

  • Two LSAT Tests: worth $444
  • One CAS Registration: worth $200
  • Six CAS Reports: worth $270
  • One-Year Subscription to LSAC’s Official LSAT Prep Plus: worth $115
  • Score Preview for Two LSATs: worth $90 to $150

Eligible Tier Two Package candidates include:

  • Independent applicants earning 250-300% of the federal poverty guidelines
  • Dependent applications earning less than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines, who have a combined income with their parents that is between 300-350% of the federal poverty guidelines

This package includes the following fee waivers: 

  • One LSAT Test: worth $222
  • One CAS Registration: worth $200
  • Three CAS Reports: worth $135
  • One-Year Subscription to LSAC’s Official LSAT Prep Plus: worth $115
  • Score Preview for One LSAT: worth $45 to $75

Law school will already be extremely expensive. If you’re eligible for either of these packages, ensure you apply for them to save where you can!

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FAQs: How Much is the LSAT?

We’ve answered the main question, “how much is the LSAT?” But, for any remaining doubts or concerns, read on to find your answers.

1. Can I Take the LSAT for Free?

Yes, you may be eligible for a LSAT fee waiver if you meet the income requirements.

2. What Is the Total Cost of Taking the LSAT?

The basic cost for writing the LSAT and giving your desired law schools access to your LSAT score(s) is $422 at minimum if you only apply to one law school. If you intend to apply to more than one, you’ll have to pay an additional $45 per school.

3. How Much Will I Spend on LSAT Preparation?

The amount you spend depends on the LSAT prep materials you choose to use. Students who rely on used and free materials may spend a few hundred dollars or less, and those who buy new materials and rely on courses, tutors, and more may spend a couple thousand!

4. How Much Will It Cost to Retake the LSAT?

It will cost you $222 each time you write the LSAT. Consider lsat tutoring with Juris Education to have the best success on your first attempt.

5. Can I Cancel My LSAT Score?

Yes, you can purchase a score preview that allows you to cancel your LSAT score.

6. Does It Cost Money to Change My LSAT Test Date?

It will only cost money to change your LSAT test date if you do so after your registration deadline. 

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Final Thoughts

Knowing exactly how much you can expect to pay for the LSAT can help you feel more prepared for and in control of the most daunting part of your law school application!

Good luck!

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